Project Detail

Project Info

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.



Shahrak Ariyan , Shiraz

Project Year


Price Value

Surface Area

1600 sqm

Project Head

Siamak Mahmoodi

Watch VIdeo

Project Description

In the design of the facade of this project, an attempt has been made to add visual appeal to the project by creating positive and negative space, i.e. dark and light, so that by moving the eye from the bottom to the top, a good variety can be created in the flow of the design of the facade.

The use of metal boxes around tall windows

and a small terrace are other items that can be mentioned in this design.

For the lighting of the complex, it has been tried to use point light and minimal light design to prevent light reflection in the facade.

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