Project Detail

Project Info

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.



Ghasrodasht , Shiraz

Project Year


Price Value

Surface Area

1700 sqm

Project Head

Siamak Mahmoodi

Watch VIdeo

Project Description

The design of this villa has been done in a space of about 2000 square meters. The villa is designed at the end of the land on the south side, which has given a good view to the whole interior due to the location of the pool and the reception area.

Due to the main entrance of the villa and the green space on the left side of the entrance door, the entrance of the villa is completely hidden from the main entrance door to prevent disturbing views. The main facade of the villa is made with a combination of iron and microcement boxes, which has made the space more attractive.

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